Thursday, December 24, 2009

I visited the land of Make~Believe where honeybees sing. I wandered thru the Valley of laughing hills and retro flowers. After a while I stumbled onto the ALL~KNOWING~TREE.
I knelt before it and bowed my head and asked the age old question.."Why am I here?..What was I meant to do in life?"
The eye of the tree pierced my soul, stabbing and mauling the deepest recesses of my being. All my failure, weakness and heartbreak played out before me like an old home movie, and then....there was silence. I sat silently and cried.
And then the ALL~KNOWING~TREE spoke to me with a hushed deep voice.."YOU are here to be you..all your failures make you stronger.. your heartbreaks teach you to love ...and your weakness is your strength"..

Friday, November 6, 2009

House in the Hood~ Bedroom

I love my bedroom! The room I love is painted an antique rose with fake flowers hanging on the wall and a huge king size bed smack dab in the middle..AND a very sturdy lock on the door. I'm going to miss this room the most.. sigh. This is the room that my wildest dreams came true..(in my sleep) and my worst nightmares came to life.. I have laughed, cried, dreamed and given up a relationship in this room. I have planned and replanned my life in this room...mauling over and over my life.. trying to figure out how I could totally fuck things up...and where to go from here. While I lay in bed ..I stare out my window and watch the couple across the street. Bastards apparently love each other..and have wonderful heart felt sex..( I know this because they do leave thier blinds open on occassion..and I watch..HEY!! wouldn't you?)...I hate not really..Just envy anyone who has felt and lived thru a true love. I'm not talking about a "I Love to Fuck you love" ..I have had plenty of that shit..and certainly does not sustain me for very long...(am I right Lurch?)...But the love that makes you whole...So I quess I do a lot of soul searching in my bedroom...Its my last retreat..My great escape...and the couple across the street keep my entertained on so many levels.. I hope they never close those blinds..*wink

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Never underestimate the power of your pussy

A good friend of mine passed away thursday. I have been reminicing about the times I spent with her..What an amazing women..

The year was 1987. I was seventeen and just started my first job at Sister Chicken and Biscuits. Dottie was the cashier. She was 48 and divorced and originally from Texas so she spoke with a smooth southern twang. She was elegantly tall at 5'11" 120 pounds and bleach blonde hair.She walked hunched over like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Dottie's style was from the 70's including the flip style hair. She chain smoked PALLMALL her finger tips where nicotin stained and her face wrinkled and yellowed.

Some how we became friends. I don't know what it was ..but we both had a mutual respect for each other. I would visit her often at her apartment that was over the funeral home..(Seriously..:)

1987 was also the year I THOUGHT I had found my true love. HAHA well after a 5 month relationship ..he broke up with me...sigh..being the young stupid girl I was ..I was going to call him to try and get back together. Dottie caught wind of this and probably gave me the best advice in my life to this date. She said:


....I thought that was awesome..and never left my mind...I let the loser boyfriend go..a few years later ..I heard he weighed like 250 and unemployed....and did a stint in prison for drugs..haha..

So my Dear friend ..I hope you rest in peace and I will NEVER forget all your advice


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fucking for Fucks Sake


 fucking for fucks not rolling with me

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

House in The Hood *Basement

(this image is inspired from my recent trip to the art museum)

(Yes Im sexually frustrated..guys just dont have a clue)

My basement is haunted. I have seen black shapes walk through walls..My hair has been pulled and something unseen has whispered my name into my ear. A friend who lived with me for a while REFUSED to go into the basement...she felt "Something was watching her"...

I shoot most of my self portraits in my basement. The lighting is horrendous down my reasoning being...great practice to master lighting! Still haven't mastered lighting...but hey..Im having fun...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Leaving Home

I am leaving my home of 10 years. I am somewhat sad..but look forward to the the future:) remember the "House in the Hood"..I am going to photograph myself in each room. I have waited a long time to shoot in my front room...It's an extremely high use room..(kids and all)...BUT FINALLY...I had a private the images!..While I was shooting ..the mailman peeked into my window...he saw my goodies....BADBOY...
Image to feature my artwork....You see it right??...hummm..yes over to left!

Thursday, August 27, 2009



Sweet!!!... I had a few images posted in this blog..check it out!! How kool is that!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This weekend I gathered up a few awesome models and headed out to the old Mental hospital for a bloody shoot....Hot Damn that was fun!!..The images are meant to look cheap and 70' a very low budget horror film...mission
I love the fish eye look..I feel it adds the extra creepy boost to the image..(insert creepy laugh here). The models were fabulous..and I highly recommend all of them!

Models: Victim of Change ,Lindley , Dollfacedeadsy, and Natasha Fatale.
Male Model Gregg Stone

Dune Buyoun

Well I finally shot Dune..not literally...We went out to the old Rennick house whch is possibly one of my favorite places to shoot. Dune is wonderful to work with ..easy going personality and gorgeous to boot...I hope to hang out with him more in Memphis in January!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I go for quite walks at Greenlawn Cemetary often. Wonderful place to slow down and marvel at the most overlooked beauty in this world. I have decided to shoot more macro. Stress free shooting is for me at the moment.

Shooting model seems like a chore at the moment. My confidence is blown. Dune Buyon a male model is coming all the way from Tennessee to shoot with me...I ask myself Why? I guess he sees something in my images..that he feels is worth I am going to give it my all...Wish me Luck!

What am I doing??

Walk Away Wife
I asked a friend about blogging. He told me you "You have to sound smart"...Really..humm...I will try...I am a thirtysomething women who has had a shitty year. My 15 year marriage broke up. I have had many ups and downs. I have an array of images that reflect my mood perfectly.
Yesterday I took my 16-year-old school shopping. Ahead of me was a young couple bickering. He managed to call har at least 5 nasty names in a 10 second period...WTF?...It took everything I had not to punch him. Oh I forgot to mention they had both of thier young children with them...WTF is wrong with people...seems everyone lives in thier bubble..and really dont give a shit about anyone...I find this extremely sad